Friday, 6 September 2013

Yummy, Milk in Schools.

On Monday we will be starting the Fonterra Milk in Schools programme. We are all looking forward to having a delicious drink of milk at school. Thanks Fonterra. Check out this clip to learn more about it.

Monday, 2 September 2013

Special Visitors

On Friday we had some special visitors. Jessica's pet rabbit and guinea pig came to school. There names were called Chocolate Brownie and Fudge. They were very small and very cute. We got to pat them gently and they were very soft and fluffy.

"I like the guinea pig best because it was small and soft, " said Alex.
"I like the bunny rabbit the best because it was very soft," said Rebecca.
"I like when Chocolate Brownie went to explore our classroom," said Kompton.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Book Swap

On Friday we had a book swap. We could bring a book from home that we had already read and swap it for a different book. There were lots of great books to choose from. We were really happy with our choices.

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Book Week

For the next two weeks we are celebrating book week. We have talked about things we like to read and what parts of books are called. Q Bear loves to listen to stories and he loves to read. Today Alex and Rocca found him reading his favourite books and they took his photo.

Come on Guys get Fire Wise

Today we had a special visit from David the fireman. He talked to us about being fire wise. We thought it was interesting that when we are asleep our nose is asleep too, but not our ears. That's why smoke alarms are so important because when we are asleep we can  not smell smoke. We liked practising how to get down, get low and get out FAST! Thank you fireman David.

Monday, 3 June 2013

Enviro Day

On Friday it is Enviro Action Day. We are looking forward to getting involved in our Environment.Check out this clip and the link to the Rainbow School Enviro blog.

Monday, 27 May 2013


This term we are talking about New Zealand birds. We made models of the Kiwi with the play dough.

We also learnt a poem about the Little Bird. We made these cool birds to go with our poems. We used fabrics and lots of colours to make them look fantastic.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Welcome Back

I hope you all enjoyed the holiday break. This term we welcome five more friends to our class. It is great to have Rebecca, Chante-Malique, Rocca, Connor and Kale joining us in Room F. While we were away there were some changes happening at our rainbow school. Check this out...

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Enviro Action Day.

MSS is an Enviro School. Mrs Cowan came to our class to share her passion for the environment. We talked about some of the amazing things in our environment - creatures and plants. We thought of some of the ways we can can help our world. All of room F thinks they can help to care for our environment.

Assembly Awards

The yellow part of the rainbow is about sharing and celebrating our learning. These super Room F learners received awards in assembly for athletics, friendship and amazing alphabet knowledge.

New Zealand - Our Home

We are learning about New Zealand - our home. We know what the islands in our country are called. We have been talking about some special places and some things that are special to New Zealand. Here is the New Zealand flag. What colours can you see? How many stars are there?

The New Zealand flag flies at our school every day. Here are all the proud New Zealanders in Room F.

Monday, 8 April 2013

Wow work

This term we have been learning about the alphabet. Look at this amazing writing Diablo did today on the whiteboard. Fantastic Diablo you can write all the letters of the alphabet correctly.

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Athletics Day

On Friday we had a great day at the athletics sports. We had a go at sprints, oval track, long jump, high jump, quoits and tennis ball throw. The egg and spoon and sack races were a lot of fun. Thank you to all the parents who came and watched us take part in the athletic sports.


Wednesday, 3 April 2013

V is for volcano

We are learning about the letter v. Today we made a volcano in the sandpit. We used baking soda and vinegar to make the volcano fizz just like an eruption. We are trying to find out if there are volcanoes in New Zealand?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Happy Easter

Last week we celebrated Easter. We enjoyed making Easter crafts. I hope the Easter bunny visited you.

Kyron's Mum made us these super cute eggs. We think she is really clever.

Super cute Easter chicks.

Peek - a - boo, cute little chicks

Who are all these Easter Bunnies?


Saturday, 23 March 2013

Monday 25th March

Today is Jett's first day of school and we welcome him to our class. We hope you have a fantastic day Jett.

Thursday, 21 March 2013

I is for insect

This week we've been talking about the letter i. The letter i is a vowel it has two sounds a long and short sound. We learned about the itchy insect at phonics time. What kind of bugs are insects? Check out this clip to learn some more about insects.


Saturday, 16 March 2013

Sharing our Special Treasures

On Fridays we enjoy sharing our special treasures with our friends. We use this time to practise our clear speaking voices and super listening skills. There is always a lot of interesting things to look at.